Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich

the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

multichannel video projection S-3D, 2017

The installation confronts the viewer with the dynamic world of molecular structures and their interactions. Combining scientific methods of data visualisation with artistic strategies, Microscape invokes perpetual questions about determinism and indeterminism, entropy and order, in the light of the dynamics of complex systems and processes of self-organization in nature.
In the virtual world of Microscape, bio-molecules are suspended in their functionality and doomed to their frantic (thermodynamic) dance in a space deprived of gravity and aim. They appear as islands of certain inherent order emerging “from fluctuation of the sea of chaos” (using Ludwig Boltzman’s term)
People appearing in this space seem to absorbed in some immense experiment of unclear premises and meaning, provoking questions about the essence and future of our micro and macro-landscapes.


Dr hab. Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich, Prof. nadzw. UAP
Kierownik Pracowni Projektów i Badań Transdysycplinarnych, Wydzial Edukacji Artystycznej UAP
Inicjator i Kierownik Klubu Nauki i Sztuki w Poznaniu
Założyciel i Dyrektor Art & Science Node w Berlinie

Dr hab. Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich is Professor of the University of Arts in Poznan, leader of the Studio for Transdisciplinary Projects & Research. She is also co-founder and Chair of the Art & Science Node in Berlin, and Club for Science & Art in Poznan.
She is an author of over 20 solo exhibition i.a., at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw,PL; Poznan Science Centre (Polish Academy Of Sciences) PL; Art Laboratory Berlin, DE; OBF Gallery Monterrey MX; Kingsgate Gallery London, UK; Commercial Gallery London; XXI Gallery Warsaw, PL; Gallery of Action Warsaw, PL; Potocka Gallery Cracow PL; AT Gallery Poznan, PL;
Her work was presented in many group exhibitions and festivals i.a. at the Center for Contemporary Arts in Warsaw; Science Museum/DANA Centre London; MOCA London; Transmediale Festival of Digital Culture in Berlin; European Patent Office in Berlin; WRO Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw; MUSE Centre of Photography & Moving Image, New York; BioQuant Centre Heidelberg DE; Museum for Modern & Contemporary Art Rijeka CR; Hiroshima City Museum; Kunsthalle Wien; Contemporary Art Ruhr C.A.R., DE; Voices from the Waters International Film Festival Bangalore, IN; VideoBrasil Sao Paolo, BR; Sense & Sensuality Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; FLuxx Festival, Prague; Art & Innovation DPMA-TIZ German Patent & Trademark Office Berlin
She contributed to many international conferences i.a.: European Congress of Biotechnology 2016 in Cracow; State: Experience Science Festival, Berlin; Beyond –Future Design ZKM/HfG Karlsruhe; Cloud & Molecular Aesthetics Conference, Istanbul; ISEA International Symposia on Electronic Arts in Sydney / in Istanbul / in Singapore; Mutamorphisis CIANT Prague; Towards the Third Culture, Gdansk; Post-technological Experiences; Art-Science-Culture, Poznan, PL; Models of Diversity, Current Transdiscourses in Art, Science & Social Issues, ZHK / Plymouth University UK, Zurich, CH
Her artistic residences include i.a. DKFZ (German Cancer Research Centre) / University of Heidelberg, DE; Konrad Wolf Film University Potsdam-Babelsberg, DE; CEMA Centre for Electronic Media Art & National Centre of Biological Science Bangalore, IN; KHOJ & International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology New Delhi, IN; KHOJ Kolkata IN; KulturKontakt AT; Art Omi NY, USA.
Currently she collaborates with KNOW Polish Leading Science Centre – Poznan RNA Consortium, Polish Academy of Sciences & International Centre for Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw
She was awarded i.a. three times by the artistic stipend of the Polish Minister of Culture and Her work “Tones & Whispers” won the 1st prize in the Polish contest organized by Polish Academy of Sciences and Europlanet (“2007 – a very spatial year”).